In our future people will use their food and business knowledge to live well and benefit others.


We engage through food education, food enterprise and social innovation. We believe that living well and feeling happy is possible with better skills and knowledge about food and by doing good food deeds.  We also believe job opportunities expand by exposure to small business, e-commerce and technology. 


We actively support youth service providers and carers especially in regional communities.

We collaborate with other social enterprises and the not for profit community. 


Do Good


Calling on all the humans who care:

Educator (chef, home economist, teacher, anyone with a skill to share)

Retailer (delicatessen, café, restaurant, pub, shop, hire service, bank) 

Supplier/Producer (food, beverage, service, hospitality equipment)

Practitioner (nutritionist, dietitian, counsellor, doctor, chiropractor, masseuse, dentist) 

Advisor (professional, consultant, manager, expert, specialist, activist)

Creative (artist, author, journalist, blogger, designer, stylist)

Other (anyone with something to trade, barter, share or swap)